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CCA理发部重启服务 Reopening of CCA Hair Salon



1-所有服务需事先预约 (07525 928434),无预约者恕不接待。

2-顾客需要在前门等待通知, 方可进入。(将有通告在门上张贴)

3-进入CCA时,顾客及其随行家属需佩戴口罩。 将有洗手液提供,并須测量体温。

4-每个顾客的3 名家庭成员可在等待区等候。 店主会全程穿着个人防护装备。


6- 所有使用的设备,包括椅子,每次使用后将会被彻底清洁。


CCA 執委会


Dear members,

CCA hairdressing service will be resumed under the following procedure:

1- appointment will be by prior booking only (07525 928434), no walking in appointment accepted.

2- clients will wait at the front door to be let in.( Notice will be displayed at the door)

3- on entry into CCA, clients & their accompanying family will be required to wear face mask. Hand sanitizer will be available and body temperature will be taken.

4- each client will be allowed 3 members of the same family waiting in the waiting area.

Proprietor will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment at all time.

5- clients will be provided with single used disposable aprons and towels for each session.

6- all equipment used including the chair will be thoroughly cleaned after each use.

7- we will require contact details for each client and their accompanying family to be recorded and kept.

CCA Executive Committee,

3 July 2020

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