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  1.  協會所有的文字聲明,報告均有協會標志及慈善號。其他形式與本會無關,並追究法律責任。

  2. 未經協會同意,其他社團不能用CCA的相關的咨詢平台(包括括微信群,CCA website 等)發表其社團活動的任何消息。

  3. 任何人士不准在CCA相關平台發布任何招聘廣告,產品推銷及任何商業買賣,違反者,必追究。

  4. 任何人士不准在CCA相關平台上載或轉載任何淫穢、恐怖、虐兒的文字與圖片。

  5. 言論自由、宗教、政治信仰均屬個人行為。其他人士在CCA的相關的咨訊平台、網站上載或轉截反對任何政黨派别及宗教團體的文字或圖片均屬違法,違反者一律追究。

  6. CCA舉辦任何活動,如要為為16歲以下的兒童拍攝,錄影均徵得家長與監護人文字允許。

  7.  CCA舉行活動的文字、圖片與錄影,其他社團、個人不准轉載作為其宣傳推廣活動。

  8.  我們協會提倡公益慈善。對社會人士的捐贈,志願者幫助舉辦活動,CCA均以文字致謝。





Who is the Colchester Chinese Association?

CCA is a non-profit making organization. It is mainly funded by donations.

Run by volunteers, it is set up to serve the local Chinese community and to support its integration into the society. This is an all inclusive association.

We welcome members and volunteers from any background.

our aims and objectives

The objectives of the new Colchester Chinese Association are:

  • To provide an inclusive meeting place and central venue for the Chinese communities in Colchester, Chelmsford, Braintree, Clacton-on-Sea and Ipswich to meet within the Borough of Colchester.

  • To provide a programme of social activities, practical support and business support (such as advice and networking, bulk purchasing, translation services etc) for the benefit of the Chinese community and its business owners.

  • To provide support services for Chinese elders, children and their families, including lunch clubs, tai chi classes, Mandarin lessons, language translation services.

  • To unite into one Association all families and individuals from different parts of the Chinese speaking world (e.g. those who originate from mainland China, from Hong Kong, from Malaysia etc).

  • To form an open school so that Mandarin can be taught at all levels to anyone in the regional community who wishes to learn.

  • To create additional Chinese-British cultural exchange programmes for young people to learn about one another’s culture, through international travel to Hong Kong or China and by hosting incoming cultural tourists and visitors.


      Address: 1-3 Blomfield Place, 25 St Botolphs Street, Colchester, CO2 7EA


  • 专门为在Colchester, Chelmsford, Braintree, Clacton-on-Sea和Ipswich 居住的华人提供一个悠闲舒适的社交场所。

  • 为上述华人社区和经商者们策划社会活动及提供切实可行有效的支持;例如咨询和关系网络,批量购买和翻译服务等等。

  • 为华人长者,儿童及家庭提供包括午餐会,太极班,普通话教学和翻译等一系列活动和服务。

  • 以华人会为中心,将来自世界不同区域(例如中国大陆,香港和马拉西亚等)的所有华人家庭和个人团结凝聚为一体。

  • 创办华语学校,对任何不同层次水平,有意愿学中文的人都提供教学服务。

  • 开辟中英文化交流项目。以中国,香港和英国等人员旅游互访等不同形式和渠道来增进了解,尊重和包容各自不同的文化习俗。


地址: 1-3 Blomfield Place, 25 St Botolphs Street, Colchester, CO2 7EA

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